Bonus 3: On Moving Out of Victimhood & Into Empowered, Conscious Creator

Lindsey Lockett wearing jeans and a blue checked shirt standing in the woods with her arms raised and her head looking up to the sky

Lindsey Lockett wearing jeans and a blue checked shirt standing in the woods with her arms raised and her head looking up to the sky

It’s another solo bonus episode… this time talking about my observations and journey of shifting out of victim mode and into empowered, conscious creator mode. This is a touchy subject and not one I’m super comfortable sharing with the general public yet.

I admit that my nervous system isn’t ready for the potential fall-out of going public with these thoughts.

I was a victim of childhood physical abuse. I was a victim of brain-washing inside the cult of evangelical Christianity. I’ve been a victim of mental illness, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain. I was the victim of sexual assault.

For a long time, I felt so much validation when I could claim that I was a victim of this or that. My ego loved being the victim. Other people’s sympathy was a feast for my pain body. And, I was stuck.

My life changed dramatically when I chose to be the hero of my story instead of the victim in the story everyone would feel sorry for. I quit living my life from a place of “it’s not my fault” and shifted to a place of “what happened wasn’t my fault, but what I do with it is my responsibility”. It has been hard work, but I am free.

lindsey lockett standing in the woods with her eyes closed and her hands over her heart
