To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The physical body, sleep, nutrition, the safety of your external environment, including relationships, self-care practices, Nervous System Hygiene, sleep, and time in Nature
To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The emotional body by widening your window of tolerance to consciously feeling your feelings without fear or judgment and then unburdening your nervous system of old, stuck, repressed emotions that it’s still carrying and that informs how much capacity you have in your current life
To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The mind by practicing compassionate curiosity of whatever emotions and sensations come up, noticing the voices in your head, and learning to respond rather than react in old, “autopilot” ways
To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The soul — or whatever you call that part of yourself, be it consciousness, soul-centered self, Highest Self, True Self, Authentic Self, God, the Universe, etc. You are a divine, spiritual being having a human experience. We address both the physical and the divine.
To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The relational parts and where you may not be communicating clearly, setting boundaries, or opening yourself up to love, where you don’t have co-regulation and safe, reciprocal relationships
To me, HOLISTIC means addressing…
The lineage or ancestral part of your being; after all, you carry within you not only the DNA and blood of all those who came before you, but also the emotional burdens they were unable to process in their lifetimes. This can show up as generational patterns of addiction, alcoholism, emotional abandonment, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse AND as generational patterns of illness such as cancer and heart disease.